Privacy Policy

Eco East Anglia is a trading name of East Anglia Renewables Limited, company number 08072049, registered in England and Wales.

This privacy policy explains how Eco East Anglia protects personal information that we may come into contact with whilst providing services to you. Please see the GDPR Glossary of Terms at the bottom of this document.

What personal data we may collect

Eco East Anglia takes the protection of personal data extremely seriously and we always strive to ensure that, at all times, it is protected with appropriate procedural, organisational and technical measures, and that data is only collected and used for appropriate and legitimate purposes.

Eco East Anglia may hold personally identifiable data such as name, address, email and various contacts details and will only use your personal information to provide the services agreed with you. We will only use this information in accordance with your instructions and current data protection regulations.

How will this data be processed?

Personal information will only be processed as part of us providing our services to you, and this will typically involve phone calls, emails, written communication or possibly text messages.  We will NEVER use this personal information for marketing purposes.

How long we keep your data for

Eco East Anglia will typically keep some personal information about you (name, address, contact details etc.) for up to seven years after providing services to you.

Sharing and transmitting personal data

Eco East Anglia will NEVER sell, rent or share any information about you, or any data that we come into contact with, except where necessary as part of our service to you.  For example, it may become necessary to pass your contact information to a third-party for repair.  We will endeavour to ensure that any personal data is protected.

How we communicate with you

Eco East Anglia may contact you using your telephone numbers, email addresses or postal addresses.  We will only do this in relation to the services we provide to you.  We will NEVER use these for marketing purposes.

Security of Data

Eco East Anglia is committed to ensuring that your information is secure.  We have put in place various physical, technical and managerial processes to safeguard and secure the information. E.g.

  • All remote access to computer systems are password protected and use secure (HTTPS) connections.
  • All portable devices are password protected.
  • Provision of secure data encryption.

The Eco East Anglia Website

Eco East Anglia do not collect or process any personal data from the website

(  We do not monitor IP addresses from your computer, nor do we perform any form of analysis on visits.  The website does include some cookies but these are solely for the basic operation of the site. No monitoring, tracking or data collection is performed by the cookies.

Changes to our privacy policy.

Eco East Anglia regularly review this GDPR privacy policy.  Any changes will be applied to the GDPR section on our website, with ‘material’ changes being communicated directly to you at our next opportunity.

Right of access to data about you

GDPR gives you the legal right to access personal data about you. It allows you to check the lawfulness of any data processing, to ask for incorrect data to be changed, and for data about you to be erased (within any legal or regulatory constraints).

To get a copy of this data, please make a Subject Access Request (SAR) to the data protection officer at Eco East Anglia.  Eco East Anglia will make a copy of any data available to you as quickly as possible, and this will be within one month of receipt of the SAR.

Subject Access Requests should be made in writing to:

Alex Walmsley

Eco East Anglia, 23 Moorside Business Park, Moorside, Colchester, CO1 2ZF

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this privacy policy or about any of the information we hold about you:

By email to:

By post to:    Alex Walmsley

Eco East Anglia, 23 Moorside Business Park, Moorside, Colchester, CO1 2ZF

 Glossary of Terms

  • Personal Data – Personal data refers to any information that could identify an individual, or when combined with other accessible data, could make that person identifiable. This may include (but is not limited to) names and contact information, for example emails, addresses and telephone numbers
  • Sensitive Personal Data – Sensitive personal data may include details such as race, religion, convictions, etc.
  • Data Controller – For GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) the term ‘data controller’ refers to the person or organisation that determines what data is required and controls how this personal data is processed. In this instance, the data controller is Eco East Anglia, 23 Moorside Business Park, Moorside, Colchester, CO1 2ZF. The data protection officer is Alex Walmsley who can be contacted on or by calling 01206 323834.
  • Data Processor – For GDPR, the term ‘data processor’ refers to a person or organisation which processes personal data for a data controller.
  • Data Processing – Data processing is any operation performed upon personal data both manually and via an automated system. Example may include: collecting, recording, transmitting, storing, altering, using, disclosing, disseminating, erasing and destruction.
  • Subject Access Request (SAR) – A subject access request is the legal right to request a copy of information about you held by the data controller. You can also ask the data controller, and through them, the data processor, to change personal information, where it is incorrect, or for the data to be erased (but this is within the constraints of any legal or regulatory requirements to retain the said data).

       Website Terms

  • Cookies – Cookies are text files that a website may place on your computer to help it track and log activity (also see Most browsers allow you to disable cookies but this might impact the behaviour of a website.
  • IP Addresses – An IP address is a unique numerical address that can identify your computer or connection on the Internet.

Phil Strickland


Version 1.1 (27 February 2023)